Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Wind and The Sun

The Wind and The Sun

The wind and the sun had a discussion one day about who could get a man,
who was wearing a trench coat, to take it off the fastest.

The wind was adamant that he would be the winner on the day. So the sun stood
back and allowed the wind to take the first attempt. Well the wind created such
a fierce force that the man, wearing the coat, hung on to that coat with all his life
and wouldn't let go. The stronger the wind, the longer he held on until the wind
finally gave up and retreated in defeat. The wind was firmly convinced that if he
could not get the man to budge, with all the force that had been applied, that the
sun had no chance of competing.

Then it was the sun's turn. Out came those bright rays of warmth that make the
flowers blossom and the grass grow, and it wasn't too long before the man quickly
took off his trench coat and walked down the road whistling a happy tune.

Moral – You can usually accomplish much more with a warm smile thanbrute force.


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