Thursday, April 21, 2011


I am actually in a very turbulent state of mind and im writing ds post to ease maself a little bit. contradictory it seems to me, i wrote a post LOVE EVERYWHERE couple of months back..n now i really wanna understand DOES DS STUPID THING REALLY EXIST???
Do ppl really understand wat does it mean and how to express to abide by the guidelines of LOVE if ever exist any...

I mean how simple it is to say- I LOVE YOU to ur friend, galfriend, ur mom or for dt matter to any1. But does any1 , really any1 on this earth knows wat does it mean...They claim dt dy love dr parents..but d only ocassion dy will talk to dm is wen dy wanna replenish dr ATM accounts, wanna cum out of d mess created by dm.. or dt

And d thing which is bothering me is d man-made relationships..we may manage blood relationships but we certainly dont respect dose relationships dt we create ourselves in ds world...People leave dr friends wen dr friend needs dm most..dy leave dr friend wen he/she is absolutely friendless widout dm..Dy leave her all alone to herself..n for wat?? no1 knows..and dn d left alone person is bound to think and conclude that her friends r jealous of either her marks or her popularity among frnz circle or dont like her outspoken nature or her emotional nature..But y dont dy understand dt ds left alone person loves her frnz a lot and dint make any new frnz coz she/he still thinks dt dy might cum to her again...but i no all these hopes are futile..coz ds world doesnt understand wat RELATIONSHIPS MEAN?? Coz dy dont no how to love..dy dont no wat is love??..n dtsy dy dont respect any1s love...

And dt guy who says dt he loves her a lot..who travels so many kilometres just to have a glimpse of her, all dose phone calls for so longer times...all dose talks talking abt missing each other...all dose gifts exchanges..and a lot of other things which make d gal love d guy so much dt she forgets everything on ds earth..she forgets her family..she forgets her frnz..she keeps her studies to d second priority for which she has worked so much from d starting coz her first priority is ds guy..She wnts to share evrything wid him..right from wat time did she wake up in d morning to wat all did she eat?? to wid whom she did talk today to how much she missed him during d day?? while sharing all dse things, she get so much engrossed n lost dt she who feels so shy all d time doesnt care all other ppl r listening to wat all she is talking to him..she saves her money cuttig down all her expenses..cutting down alll frnz outings so dt she can gift him dt she can get her phn by day..she loves her more n he concentarates sumwhere else more ..she loves him so much dt she cant cum back and he is so much uninterested now dt he will call her 10 times n cut her phone 20 times...d same phone call which used to last for 7-8 hrs long...cant survive more dn 7-8mins now..he was his experiment is cumpleted..he doesnt have dt love capabilities dt d gal has..all dt shit he says...But she cant cum back..she cant forget dt she loves him a lot. she is crazy after him....but he doesnt care coz he doesnt no wat is love..he cant respect love..HE knows EXPERIMENTING..

They say that BEST LOVE IS SELF LOVE..but dse poor ppl who if ever hav known how to love themselves wud nvr have loved any1 else so much...NO1 knows wat is love..Some dont no wat is SELF LOVE..some dont no wat is selfless love..Some dont no how to reciprocate LOVE... Some cant repect LOVE and surprisingly some cant develop LOVING CAPABILITIES...

Coz dr is nothing as such..Dr is nothing known as LOVE...dy may love animals..but dy cant love HUMAN-BEINGS...



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