Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Final year project for civil engineering

Recently me and two other batch mates (Sawyer and 3gz*) finished our final year project report and gave a presentation regarding the same to our project guide. Everything went smoothly and well so I consider it to a great success. A great success because all of the related works, the research, the report and presentation compilation was done in Linux exclusively.

The title of the project is "Comparative analysis of two buildings, built 50 years apart" and was a very easy project that didn't require a butt load of work. Our old building is a residential home in Kerala, while the new building is a apartment complex called Legacy Dimora in Bangalore, Karnataka

Since I'm am an open source advocacy by nature, I uploaded both the report and the presentation for the viewing pleasures of any one who is interested. The catch is you need Open Office Suite instead of the over-hyped Microsoft Office Suite. You can find Open Office Suite for your operating system at this link. As the name 'open' suggests, it's a free software. Alternatively you could also use Libre Office Suite, a branch of Open Office Suite that I have not tested yet.

The report is about 70 pages long and the presentation has 40 slides. Both the report and the presentation comes with sets of pictures of the residential buildings and apt information about the buildings.

The compilation of the report and presentation took roughly 3 weeks. Giving the presentation on a Linux environment was the pinnacle height of the experience for me and it earned us some bonus points for the teams performance and viva

*3gz = 3vil Genuiz


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