Thursday, April 7, 2011

Linux game review: Suspended Sentence

[Note:- Updated to include how-to-play...]

This is a not your high graphics, RPG shoot n' kill game. This is a Point and click adventure game. Suspended Sentence is a small, easy to play game that displays some fairly poor artwork through out the game (like it had been drawn on the spot as the game was developed), mixed with a bleak sense of humor as the game progresses.

This game is small.. so small and simple and clearly made to finish in one sitting. There are no levels, game settings, options to save the game or full screen game play. There is no multi player/online game play and you cannot lose, because there is only one outcome to the climax of the game. The sounds Incorporated into the game are very arcade type and reminds me of an era long gone by.

The story begins with the player being waken up into his mortifying existence. You are already a prisoner cryogenically frozen and serving a sentence for a crime you committed in a cryogenic cell that holds other such members. This prison is a transport vessel in space that had malfunctioned as evident with the damage to the ship and dead bodies littered through out the game's gory artwork. You have been 'woken' because according to rules and regulations of who ever it is holding you in your miserable existence, your sentence can be reduced a couple of centuries by helping repair the ship to full functionality. It is evident from the game's intro that the prisoner before you had failed in this task which you know from  empty cryogenic cells next to yours that once held prisoners like yourself.

The game than goes on as you try to figure tasks to get the ship to function by using objects and tools that you pick up and modify to your needs. At the same time your 'intrusion' of rules leads to an increase of the sentence you are serving even as you are fixing the ship. Finally at the end of the game you not only repair the ship but take out the ships security to gain your freedom.

I would have said this game is for children if the skeletons and mildly foul language had been absent. This is just the outcome of someone doing something for fun and it is fun to play once you get the general idea of what needs to be done. Its been generalised as a duct tape game, because you pick up objects and modify them with duct tape.

The game is not exactly thrilling (far from it) but not a waste of time as I finished this game in 30 minutes. I only wished the game was longer and more complicated to suit the kid that remains in me.

Welcome screen. Simple and cartoon-ish
Mess hall of the game with a large overgrown broccoli!
Introduction to the game announcing you as a criminal

The cryogenic prison that you start the game in

Skeleton in one of the cryogenic cells. Skeleton count: 1

In the process of helping, you break more rules that adds on to your serving sentence. Ironic

Various rooms in the transport ship. Green rooms are accessible and one in browns need to be accessed. The red one's were destroyed in a meteor shower

The bridge. Take note that the decorations above are actually wires. Skeleton count: 3.

Workers room. Skeleton count : 4

Machine room. Skeleton count: 5
How to play*

Video walk-through

Escaping Cryo Room
  • Grab the Titanium femur from the body in the second right-most cryo-chamber.
  • Try to open the door (it opens part-way) 
  • Pry it open with the femur. 
  • Escape into the hallway. 

Clearing the overgrowth
  • In the Mess, there's a big overgrown broccoli.
  • Use the grinder in the Machine Room to sharpen your femur into a machete.
  • Cut through the growth, revealing broken pipes. 
Getting into the Engine Room
  • Pick up the stethoscope from the doctor's body on the Bridge.
  • There's a locked safe in the Crew Quarters, using the stethoscope, you can open it. 
  • Pick up the duct tape.
  • Pick up the fish bowl.
  • Attach some duct tape to the fish bowl, to turn it into a helmet. 
  • With the helmet in your inventory, you can gain access to the Engine Room. 

Fixing the broken pipes
  • Collect the can opener from the corpse in the Engine Room. 
  • Collect all 3 cans from the Mess, and open them. 
  • Use the machete on the two middle cryo-pipes in the Cryo Chamber to cut out 3 cryo-pipe sections (the right hand pipe will yield two sections. 
  • Place an open can and a pipe segment into the laser welder in the Machine Room, and hit the power button. It will combine them into a fixed pipes item in your inventory. Repeat twice. 
  • Attach the fixed pipe section to the broken pipes in the mess. 
  • Duct tape to seal the joins. 
  • The environmental system is now working. 

Repairing the superconductor 
  • Pry the burned out superconductor in the Engine Room out, with the machete. 
  • There is a working superconductor in the base of the massage chair, in the Bridge. Pick it up. 
  • Put a piece of duct tape on the working superconductor it so it'll stay in the socket. 
  • Plug it into the socket. 
Cooling the superconductor
  • Collect an empty dish washing liquid bottle from the cupboard in the Mess. 
  • Fill it from a puddle of coolant in the Cryo Chamber. 
  • Patch the cracked pipe in the engine room with duct tape. 
  • Place the coolant in the reservoir's receptacle in the Engine Room. 
  • The engines are now running. 

Disabling JIM (The security system) 
  • Collect the Penrose Triangle poster from the Crew Quarters wall. 
  • Hold it up to a security camera. This will cause JIM to reboot. 
  • While he is disabled, unscrew the access panel in the Bridge with the machete's tip, and destroy JIM's hardware. 

Sailing Away into the Sunset 
  • You can now access the Navigation panel on the Bridge computer.
  • Pick a destination, and enjoy the ride

*The above how-to-play section is taken from the game developers site.


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