Friday, April 22, 2011

New look for Acer Aspire 3680

I am neck deep in studies now at the time of this post. The last few exams and last few days in college can drive even the most sanest person nuts. So as I fight with my delirious, psychotic mind as it tries it's best to ignore what I'm forcing into it, I thought to take a break and pimp up my Linux :D

As the HP DV9000 rests in careful hands all ready to install the great Ubuntu Natty Narwhal (11.04) with its much hyped about Unity interface, I thought I would get rid of the Faux/fake unity I had going for the older Acer laptop (which doesn't support the real Unity). Another reason for the change is that there already is Unity version for older laptops called Unity 2D that doesn't require graphic acceleration which has improved greatly since its inception. So Faux/fake unity is not of any real importance. There is one more reason for the change... I cant decide to call the setup faux unity or fake unity, a lack of decisiveness on my part.

After much debate, I changed the look and feel to look like what is shown below. Call me a heretic, but I love this look and feel of Windows I emulated using one task bar at the bottom, the docbarx. I also removed indicator applet as it takes up too much space from the panel. So, gone is the volume control button, which I really don't need anyway. Of importance is Gnomenu and its awesome theme. Also some screenlets helped as well. Goodbye faux/fake unity, what ever your name is, you have served me well

Linux: Windows style!!
Can't wait for April 25th (3days from now), the day my college life officially ends. I would be heading home, back to Maldives after that and spending some quality time with my family and friends, chilling out in a place meant for chilling out only. I have a 4 month old niece now and want to hold her so badly in my arms. Can't do anything of use before I done that. Time's are surely changing fast.
My second niece. Aishath Areen Faisal


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