Saturday, September 3, 2011

Let’s See what the WLW hype is all about

Windows Live Writer (WLW) has been called the Holy Grail of blogging tools. And not for bad reasons. Even before I finish writing this post I see what I been missing out by not using Windows for a while. It’s a great change, being able to write a post in what appears to be my blog, as opposed to the rich text editor that the blogger team provides. such a nice change in blogging experience!
Sadly, there is nothing like this for the Linux world (not that I know of). Have heard of few tools and after reading the reviews others done for them, I find that those authors felt these tools in Linux were short coming. So maybe I have to switch to Windows to use this tool once in a while. Which is not a bad thing as I have reviews for several other Windows applications which are free and/or open source. So I would be using Windows Live Writer while I review windows applications. If only I can run WLW on Wine. Preliminary research says that I can’t and experience says that I really done like Wine, so it’s Blogger’s Rich Text Editor for me while I’m on Linux, for the time being anyway.
So what do I like about the WLW? For one thing, as mentioned before, it feels like I’m writing a post from within my blog, as illustrated by the screenshot below. I can do everything and more with WLW compared to the Rich Text Editor, locally save posts till time of publishing. The interface is good and easy (with the ribbon, I just love the ribbon), I can manage multiple blogs from multiple blog providers (Typepad? Wordpress? No problem!). Each feature of this little tool is superb and no doubt would be the application in Windows I use the most in no time. Oh…. and it’s free (not open source… duh….). I don’t have to pay a dime to use it in Windows but Windows is not free (duh…. again). Some one should really get their hands on making a similar application for Linux ASAP.
My overall conclusion? This is Microsoft Word, intended to be used for writing blog posts. It’s (so far) superb to use. One small thing missing is an HTML editor, a way to include my advertisements within the blog, but probably such an option is hidden there somewhere. (Found it! It was there in plain sight!)
Let’s see what I can do!

Tables and pictures

One thing that was really lacking in blogger Rich Text Editor was a way to create a table and arrange the pictures in a grid. Looks like I’m not going to have that problem anymore
tables preview mode
source adding pics
Tables and pictures works great with WLW! Loads of ways to handle your pictures including options to create your slideshow from an album. The only downside to the whole thing is the pictures added from your computer is hosted on SkyDrive. Picasa (the default for Blogger) works, albeit, with some difficulty. But I don’t mind. The pictures can be on Flickr for all I care.


Adding advertisements should be easy. Let’s give that a try!

It looks a lil weird on this end. But hopefully it comes out correctly once published.

Final word

I already had my final conclusion, so what’s with the final word? I mean, isn’t that what a final conclusion is? This final word is just to inform all of the readers who visit the blog that I am employing some changes to the blog, so that articles pertaining to Windows will also appear as frequently as to Linux. That doesn’t mean I am giving myself away to the pressure of Microsoft. It’s just a part of a broad move to take the blog away from Linux only status and discovering useful things about other OS’s. So it won’t be about Linux, it won’t be about Windows, it wont be about Mac OS either. It would be about a lot of OS’s and a lot of other categories from now on.
Hope you would appreciate the change in the taste and assure you all, you won’t be disappointed. For Linux only folks, well, you could just hit the Linux filter (which is not working as of yet) in the secondary navigation bar and your problems are solved. The same would go for Windows loving folks. The quality of the content would remain the same and I only hope to improve it
Yours ever changing, Storm of Mort


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